
Showing posts from January, 2019

Shyness is to Judgemental

SHYNESS IS TO JUDGEMENTAL I am shy at first  But bold too burst  Know me first  Before saying me dumb  I praised you first  But now a sack of dust  You are stranger to me I can't trust Stop being judgemental it might hurt I don't have words Just can't rush If my silence is killing you then talk to me  I am not loquacious aren't you be  If I am taciturn then you are eccentric Stop judging someone in the first good meet

Is feminism for you?

Feminism has become a brand name now and everyone is trying to wear it whenever one think of it. But wait whether you are male or female ask yourself is feminism really for you? For females: The eligibility for being a feminist is not being a female alone. When we talk about gender equality expecting men to stand equally with us in every nook and cranny of life do you equally stand with him either way. Where she think of him helping in cooking; might be he is too thinking of she to help him out in taking out the punctured tyre of his car. And this is just an example and now you can think of multiple example like so and prepare yourself to stand out with him. We all see that maximum girls get married early without completing their graduation or before getting a good job and if they some how get a good job statistically speaking some 53% women quit their job which is the largest chunk and one of the reason of the biggest loss in economy because women are blessed with multitasking abi...