Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl


  • Author: Victor E Frankl
  • Print Length160 pages
  • Publisher Rider (6 May 2004)

Imagine one day you woke up and you are told that you have to be there in Nazi concentration camp.🤔

Your clothes are taken away even your inner wears, head shaved and prisoner number being tattooed.

All over this you have to suffer and at the same time motivate others to live.

Do you think you can do that?

Do you think you can motivate others even though you are sailing in the same boat?

Viktore E. Frankl is the man who made it possible. He is a prominent Psychologist, therefore, it was obvious that people will expect to see him when they felt down. And just imagine how difficult was for him so be quintessential and help them cope up with the situation.🙍🙍

Playing on the fields and being a spectator all at the same time is a rare quality one can find.

There are 2 parts in this book🕮

The first part talks about the following

His survival techniques in rough days and help others to survive was breathtaking.

The small and sweet looking book had all the dreadful nights which one faced in Holocaust and other Nazi concentration camp.

Here I remember a saying ‘If you have nothing in life, still you can donate and i.e. your smile and warmth’. 😀

This is well reflected in this book where prisoners helped each other, shared their breads though they had meager means literally a piece of bread, a blanket shared by nine and many

All the real experiences are being shared, their work, their feelings, tortures and what not.

You know what these tortures made them strong too💪

They were not able to brush and still they felt their gums are healthier than ever. You will experience such surprises in the very same book. And here we are brushing our hairs multiple times

Many more to tell but have to resist for now

Now the Second part- Logotherapy

We do want to hear which we want to hear and in Logotherapy we have to hear which we don’t like to listen but buddy this technique only will lead you far. As we know truths are bitter.

This theory is author’s own developed theory.

Logotherapy is a theory which helps people find their meaning of life which the author personally supports with his own experiences at the concentration camp

So yeah one can believe him!!

This theory is still used by psychologists today.

You can know more about it when you will read it. 

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