The Search For Belonging- Book Review



  • Author: Kirti Changlani
  • Page Length: 154 pages
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Young-Adult/ Contemporary 

The Search for Belonging by Kirti Changlani is a Travel Fiction story of three musketeers named Niharika, Dhiraj and Hritik who took a break from their monotonous routine and went to a trip to the Asia’s Smallest Hill Station.💃

Exciting na!!😄

What an illustration of this place!! Felt immediately plan trip with my friends👭

I felt so refreshed by imagining the scene depicted by the author.😀

Here Niharika and Dhiraj are couple and had a trip with their friend Hritik, a fun loving, humorous guy.

The trip nudges their emotions which they bagged up in their heart which eventually burst out. And the medicine to spell out their chest was-‘Talking’. They all shared the chaos of their life which were bothering them.

This again reminded me that problems solved or unsolved one does feel light when someone is there to hear you without being judged and there is no need to tell what to do, what not to do but just listen.💝

Dhiraj’s patience to listen to his love Niharika helped her spell out the words of her life which is must in a relationship.💞

Where Dhiraj was somewhere lost in his career life even being successful in film industry. It is passion which gives job satisfaction. Niharika taking care of his passion helped him remind about his passion.💞

I am pretty sure we all have a Hritik type of friend in our friend circle. Fun loving yet Single and dying to have a girlfriend. I would have loved to read more about this character.😎

Getting out of commotion of city like Mumbai and getting in new air really they made the best of their trip.

I always realized travelling does brings out a new person in me. We become bold, wiser and the knowledge balloon expands.🛫

The books talks about the importance of Parents in our life. Unintentionally we ignore them because we are so indulged in our personal life, jobs that we totally forget about their well-being.

Check out what Dhiraj’s, Niharika’s and Hritik’s belongings were and was their search complete?🤔


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