
Showing posts from September, 2020

She Stood By Me

  Author: Tarun Vikash Book Length:  174 pages Language:  English Genre: Romantic Publisher: Goya Publishing Book Review She Stood By Me      This book clearly states it is based on true events This is a love story of Abhishek & Aparna with some more characters to back them up The title She Stood By Me totally justified it’s words truly she stood by him in every situation and helped his lover pull them up every time. The book started with fun but is a slow paced novel. This love story beautifully covers phases of love and is a blend of traditional and modern culture. Long Distance relationship, Financial problems, parents’ pressure is what makes a love story interesting. At times I was thinking that this will be the end of their relationship but mark my words the title clearly stayed strong every-time she stood by him and found a way out of every problem. This book lime lights the facts that for this generation’s youth, the me...

The Search For Belonging- Book Review

                                                                                 Author: Kirti Changlani Page Length:  154 pages Language:  English Genre: Young-Adult/ Contemporary 

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

    Author: Victor E Frankl Print Length :  160 pages Publisher :  Rider (6 May 2004) Imagine one day you woke up and you are told that you have to be there in Nazi concentration camp.🤔 Your clothes are taken away even your inner wears, head shaved and prisoner number being tattooed. All over this you have to suffer and at the same time motivate others to live. Do you think you can do that? Do you think you can motivate others even though you are sailing in the same boat? Viktore E. Frankl is the man who made it possible. He is a prominent Psychologist, therefore, it was obvious that people will expect to see him when they felt down. And just imagine how difficult was for him so be quintessential and help them cope up with the situation.🙍🙍 Playing on the fields and being a spectator all at the same time is a rare quality one can find. There are 2 parts in this book🕮 The first part talks about the following His survival techniques in roug...

5 Best Self- Help Books To Read Before 2020

Think Like a Monk- The author 'Jay Shetty' is himself a monk. His expertise will definetly help you cope up in this modern world and still be as simple and calm as a monk Ikigai - Lock your Passion, Mission, Profession and Vocation Combine them and here is your Ikigai This book will always be in your Self-help book shelf. It will never run out of fashion. One of the honest books which dive straight into the practical world. If you are into Fiction book then this book will never let you down. A cocktail of fiction with self-help.